Thursday, November 5, 2009

Alfred Noble: The Man Behind the Peace Prize

I thought it was interesting to learn from reading this children's book that the very man who invented dynamite was the same man who created the Noble Peace Prizes. It also blows me away how just one man, one really rich man that is, could make such a big difference in the world. The Noble Peace prize is an amazing thing and it is not only an award for great men and women of the world but it has also found it's way into high schools. For example, my high school graduation included an award for the person who was most likely going to win the Nobel Peace Prize. I still remember who won that award, and I remember looking up to her allot. 
I think this book would be a great one to read in the classroom. You could talk about so many different subjects- war, violence, peace, science. I think it would also be a great book to talk about the idea that it only takes one person to make a difference. Every great thing you will learn about usually began with just one inspired person. This fact will never cease to amaze me and would great inspiration for young individuals.

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