Friday, November 20, 2009

The Moon Came Too

This was probably my favorite book as a kid. The little girl in it reminds me so much of myself. She loves to dress up and when she goes to grandma's house, she has the hardest time deciding what to bring with her. I could seriously crack up for a long time when I think about all the junk I would take on family road trips. I had this thing that had about 10 pockets that had a hanger on top that you could take in the car and hang on the clothes hanger hook. I would fill it up with random stuff like bouncy balls and anything else I could find around the house, mostly stuff from this one drawer in the kitchen. I have no idea why I needed so much junk, but it seemed to keep me entertained. 
This book is about a little girl who takes just about everything she owns with her when she goes to visit her grandma. When she gets there, she looks up in the sky on her grandma's porch and realizes that the moon came too!
Going to visit my grandparents was also one of my favorite things to do in the summer so this book is pretty much about my own life. I might read it to my kids before spring break or something. We could talk about stuff we take with us on trips or stuff that is important to us. We could talk about how our stuff defines, or doesn't define, who we are.

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