we have read,
I am glad
we read it
since it would be a great book to get kids
in poetry. I think
it would also help young people
realize that if this kid can
be a poet,
we can too!
Any walls or barriers keeping
kids from thinking
poetry is for them would be broken
when they read
the simple
"poems" written by the author. I think it would get them excited
to think that they can take just
a n y t h i n g and break
lines and
call it
a poem.
This kind of revelation
would get kids imaginations reeling...
This book would also be a great tool to introduce kids to other famous poets. It would demystify the process of interpreting poetry by making them realize that maybe the poet didn't even understand what he was writing about when he wrote it. Maybe William Carlos Williams was just sitting by a red wheel barrow and some white chickens, and, having no idea what to write about that day, decided to write about what was right in front of him and wanting to make his boring circumstances really exciting threw in the line: so much depends upon... Maybe he was just like any young student who wanted to make something exciting out of something mundane and boring and he used language to do that. Now everyone is asking: what is so significant about this wheel barrow and white chickens that makes everything depend upon on them? I think good writing should make people ask questions and I think kids can come up with poems that do that, even if they don't have the answers themselves. Writing shouldn't be easily understood, because if it can be, then it doesn't stretch one to think outside the box, or find the sacred in the mundane.
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